Recently, I encountered an issue where the Azure Storage Emulator was unable to start on my local machine. After some investigation, I found that this was due to port 10000 being occupied, as the Storage Emulator requires this port to work. So, if you are still using Azure Storage Emulator, this blog might be helpful for you.
To resolve the issue, we need to kill the process occupying port 10000. Please follow the given steps to do it.
Step 1– Try to open URL for “Blob” in a web browser. In my case it is
Step 2- If you are unable to open the URL or if there is an error, this is the reason why you are not unable to start Azure Storage Emulator. Check if the port 10000 is busy or used by any other process.
To know this you can type the below command in the command prompt
netstat -ano | findstr :10000
Step 3 – kill the process
taskkill /PID <process id> /F
Step 4 – Now try starting emulator again.
AzureStorageEmulator.exe start
Now, Azure Storage Emulator is deprecated and replaced with Azurite. For more details and troubleshooting steps in Azurite, please refer
Troubleshooting Azurite and Azure Storage Emulator issues – Microsoft Community Hub