In this blog ,I am going to explain How to Create first blockchain network using Hyperledger Fabric on Microsoft Azure VM.
There are two ways to Deploy Hyper-ledger Fabric Network on Azure
1- Using Hyperledger Fabric template available in the Azure Marketplace.
2- Manually Setting Up Environment on Azure VM and Install Fabric ,Setup first network.
In this blog i will cover 2nd option Manually Setting Up Environment on Azure and create consortium with 3 organisation as given below

Build a fabric network from scratch
1- Ubuntu 16.04 VM (you can also use Mac)

- Docker – v1.13 or higher
- Docker Compose – v1.8 or higher
- Node.js & npm – node v6.2.0 – v6.10.0 (v7+ not supported); npm comes with your node installation.
- Git client – needed for clone commands
- Go – version 1.9.x
Step-1- Choose Ubuntu Server

Step-2 Create VM

Step-3 – Downlod Hyperledger Composer and provide permission
Connect VM using local Account through ssh
- curl -O
- chmod u+x
Execute below script after that for hyperledger composer
Step 3 — Install Go Language
- sudo apt-get update
- sudo apt-get -y upgrade
Step 4- Now download GO binaries
Step-5 Install GO Code and move to desired location
- sudo tar -xvf go1.11.linux-amd64.tar.gz
- sudo mv go /usr/local
Step-5 Setup GO Root
- export GOROOT=/usr/local/go
- export GOPATH=$HOME/go
- export PATH=$GOPATH/bin:$GOROOT/bin:$PATH
Step-6 Update current shell session
source ~/.profile
Step-7 Verify Installation
- go version
- go env
Clone code to your home directory to setup network and install chain code
- git clone -b master
- cd fabric-samples
- git checkout v1.4.1
Download platform binaries
curl -sSL | bash -s 1.4.1 1.4.1 0.4.6
Export path
export PATH=<path to download location>/bin:$PATH
Step-9-Install network
cd fabric-samples/first-network
Step-10 Generate Certificates
./ -m generate
Step-11 Bring network Up
./ -m up

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